the rules of eating mm kit. How many days after eating mm kit is menstruated.
MM-Kit: many people are familiar with the name mm-kit and many are unfamiliar with it. Many of us do not want to have children quickly after marriage, they are taking various types of emergency pills as a result of intercourse. Sometimes this mm kit is taken for abortion or for regular menstruation if you become pregnant due to inadvertence in an unintended way.
Mm kit is adopted to spoil the baby. There is a lot of bleeding and sometimes it can be fatal. Many people do not know about MM Kit well and get into serious problems as a result. Therefore, consult a doctor before taking mm kit and then take it in detail.
What is mm kit? The right way to eat Mt.
In today's article, I will try to talk in detail about mm kit. I urge everyone to read the entire article carefully before eating the mm kit. Because in this article, I will share details about what is MM Kit or mm kit, the right rules of eating mm or when to eat, the side effects of mm kit, the price of mm kit, where to buy, etc.
What is mm kit?
Mm kit is basically a type of medicine or pill. This pill is used to regulate the menstrual cycle of women who take mm kit within 63 days or 9 weeks of an unintended pregnancy and destroy the baby in the womb. And if it is more than 9 weeks, then this medicine can no longer be taken. Therefore, if for any reason the duration of pregnancy exceeds 9 weeks, then a specialist doctor should be consulted.
Why does mm eat Kit?
Sometimes we don't want to have children soon after marriage. But after intercourse, due to carelessness, it was found that the baby moves to the stomach, that is, becomes pregnant. Then we worry about what to do. If you can eat according to the mm kit rules within 9 weeks after intercourse or intercourse, the baby will be spoiled and will come out through bleeding and menstruation will begin.
Components of mm kit medicine
The mm kit consists mainly of two types of tablets. One mifepristone 200 ml. GR. A large tablet made of material. Another contains 4 small tablets made of misoprostol 200 micrograms material. Jisca Pharmaceuticals Limited has launched the drug under the name mm kit. In addition, the drug has been developed by several companies under different names.
Mm kit eating rules
You need to be 100% sure that you are pregnant before taking the mm kit. For some reason, many people think that they have stopped menstruating. If you do not get pregnant, your life will be in serious danger by playing this tablet. Therefore, you must be 100% sure and then eat this tablet.
You can do a pregnancy test in two ways, by going to the hospital or buying a pregnancy kit from the pharmacy and doing the Test at home. After the pregnancy test is confirmed, this mm kit tablet will be taken according to the advice of a specialist doctor within 9 weeks of pregnancy.
The right rules for eating mm kit
A pack of MM kits contains a total of 5 tablets. Where a large 200 m.There are gram tablets called mifepristone and the remaining 4 smaller sizes of tablets called misoprostol.
the correct rule of eating mm kit is to first take the large tablet sitting in front of the doctor as much as possible. Then after 24 hours, take out the remaining 4 small tablets and put them under the tongue. It should be kept for half an hour so that the tablets melt. At that time, the spit in the mouth will not be removed. If the tablet does not run out in half an hour or is stuck in the mouth, then drink it with water.
A doctor should be consulted if there is a serious problem or excessive bleeding after taking the drugs. A few days after taking the medicine, go to the hospital and get tested to make sure there is an abortion. If not, consult a doctor.
Side effects of mm kit
Mm kit has side effects. You have to be careful after eating mm kit. Because most of the time various side effects occur. These include: fever, headache, vomiting, or nausea, flatulence, body weakness, uterine contractions or seizures may occur.
Menstruation may be late, the aunt may experience side effects such as profuse bleeding, whitish discharge, etc. If the level of symptoms is high or there is a lot of bleeding, consult a doctor quickly.
MThe price of the mm kit
The mm kit contains 5 tablets in a pack. 1 large and 4 small. The price of one mm kit is Rs 300.
How long does it take to play mm kit
Bleeding can usually occur from four to five days after eating mm kit. In some cases, bleeding is observed for 10 days. If bleeding occurs after 10-12 days, a doctor should be consulted.
Can mm kit be consumed while the baby is breastfeeding?
Sometimes it is seen that the baby becomes pregnant due to carelessness in the presence of milk. If you do not want to take the baby and want to eat MM Kit, then you must consult a doctor. Otherwise, the baby may have problems with milk.
What do you do if you don't stop bleeding after eating mm kit?
Bleeding usually lasts 4-5 days, but if it has been more than 10 days, but the blood does not stop, then consult a doctor immediately.
What to do if there is no monthly after eating mm kit?
After eating mm kits, there are often 15-20 days of menstrual cessation due to its side effects. However, after 7-10 days of eating the mm kit, you will test again to see if there is an abortion. There is often no pregnancy after the birth of a baby. If there is a miscarriage and menstruation is stopped due to the side effects of the medication. If there is no menstruation for more than 15 days, then the gynecologist can see a doctor.
How long do you have to wait to eat Mm kit.
After eating mm kit, when menstruation occurs and then you can have sex from 2-3 days after full recovery . You can't forget the bleeding. This can cause serious problems.
How often to eat mm kit
The MM - Kit pill is used to abort the fetus. If pregnant unexpectedly, it is necessary to eat mm kit within 9 weeks for abortion. How many times do you have to eat Mt. It's hard to say. In fact, there are many side effects of this medicine, as a result of which it is better not to eat. Abortion with 2-3 mm kits can cause problems in the delivery of the next baby. So it is better not to eat as much or eat less as possible. However, you should consult your doctor before eating.
It's a good idea to wash your face after eating mm kit
You need to see a doctor if you have white discharge after eating mm kit. There are a lot of people who don't take the mm kit pill alone without taking a pregnancy test. The next thing you see is that the baby is not in the uterus and continues to go white discharge without bleeding. If so, you should consult a doctor.
When vomiting after eating mm kit
Many people vomit after consuming mm kit, which is mainly due to its side effects. If you vomit after eating or within half an hour, wait to see if there is bleeding. If not, consult your doctor to make sure you eat again. And if vomiting recurs, take it to the doctor quickly
When taking the mm kit, it will be taken according to the doctor's advice. If a serious problem occurs after eating mm kit, a doctor should be consulted immediately.