How does rabies occur

Rabies, also known as hydrophobia, is a fatal disease caused by the rabies virus. About 20,000 people die of rabies in our country every year.  Mortality in cases of rabies is almost 100%. That is, once the symptoms appear, it is almost impossible to save the patient. So it is important to know some important things about rabies.

After a dog scratch or bite, one should seek the nearest hospital or doctor without delay and receive rabies and rabies vaccination.

Anyone can be attacked by a rabid dog at any time. In addition, normal dogs can bite even if disturbed. Dog attacks increase at this time of the year so dogs should be walked cautiously without provoking them.

According to the statistics, the number of dog attacks in the country is highest between August and November. If you are attacked by a dog on the road, you should not panic and take some basic steps.

How rabies spreads

If dogs, foxes, cats, monkeys, bengals, bats etc. are infected with rabies bacteria and the infected animals bite humans, humans get this disease. Rabies virus is present in the saliva of these infected animals. When this saliva comes into contact with blood through an old wound or a tooth implanted wound or a minor scratch, it spreads through the blood and causes rabies. In our country, 95 percent of rabies is caused by dog ​​bites.

Symptoms of rabies

Symptoms of rabies appear between 9 and 90 days after a suspected animal bite. When someone shows symptoms of rabies, two types of behavior can appear in the affected person - frenzied behavior and silent behavior.

A person with abnormal behavior will have abnormal speech and expression.  He will run around aimlessly, lose his appetite, make distorted noises, bite others unprovoked, etc.

In addition, the thirst for water will increase, but will not be able to drink water.  If you see water, you will be scared.  Exposure to light and air will increase the panic.  It will be very difficult to eat food, will not be able to eat.  Tremors in the body, excess saliva will be released through the mouth.  Voice may be hoarse.  Temper will become irritable, aggressive behavior will appear.

What to do if you are bitten or scratched by a suspicious animal?

As soon as a suspected animal bite or scratch occurs, the wound should be washed thoroughly with soap and running water for 10-20 minutes and then thoroughly cleaned with potassium permanganate solution.  If possible, use an antibacterial soap to clean the wound thoroughly.  Or wash the wound thoroughly with chlorhexidine or povidone iodine.  It destroys 70-80% of germs.

After that you must consult a doctor or take it to the nearest hospital.

Rabies vaccine should be taken as advised by the doctor.  A total of 5 doses of vaccine are usually given on days 3, 7, 14 and 28 after the first day.  In some cases human rabies immunoglobulin may also need to be administered.

What not to do on the wound

No saline, ice, sugar, salt etc. alkaline substances can be used on the wound.  Batipra, panpara, chinipara, michharipara, jharfunk etc. cannot save anyone from water rabies.

The wound should never be cut, suctioned or bandaged with anything else.  It can cause infection instead.  Do not apply ice, electric shock to the wound or bind the hands and feet.

Don't waste your time by resorting to any Kaviraj or Ojha and taking any unscientific or suboptimal treatment.

Animal bites do not require vaccination

Bites from rats, rabbits, squirrels, rattlesnakes, etc. do not require rabies vaccine. However, a tetanus vaccine may be required.

Will it be a problem to take the vaccine in special circumstances?

There is no problem in getting rabies vaccine in special situations like pregnancy, nursing mother, any other illness, young child or old person.

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